MAIZE: this is the main cereal used in the manufacture of compound feeds. It is particularly appreciated for its high energy value, palatability, low variability of its chemical composition and low content in anti-nutritive factors.

OATS: this is the cereal with the lowest energy value as a consequence of its high fibre and lignin content and its low level of starch. As a result of its appreciable proportion of effective fibre, it is suitable for adding to feeds of dairy cattle, rabbits, horses and pregnant sows. The bare varieties and oats without husks have, on the other hand, a high energy value, even greater than maize, and are very palatable for suckling pigs.

WHEAT: this is the third most used cereal in the manufacture of animal feeds. Hard wheat has a lower energy value as it contains less starch and more fibre. Its protein value is, however, higher.

BARLEY: this is one of the main ingredients of compound feeds. It comes in two types: malting barley, or with two rows, and six-row barley. It is an excellent source of vitamins from the B group (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid) and of niacin, although in this latter case its availability for monogastric animals is limited (10%).

BEET PULP: this is a by-product of the sugar industry. The roots of beets (excluding leaves and tops) are washed, cut into fine strips and most of the sugar is extracted by diffusion at 70ºC.